Chateaubriand Tenderloin Roast

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• 1 (2 lb) Chateaubriand Tenderloin Roast
• 5 Cloves of Fresh Garlic
• 5-6 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
• 1 – 3* tsps. Kosher Salt (Sea Salt will work as well)
• 1 – 3* tsps. Black Pepper

Allow the roast to stand at room temperature for at least an hour.
Meanwhile chop fresh garlic and fresh rosemary.
Score roast multiple times for the fresh garlic and rosemary. Lightly brush the roast with olive oil then rub the roast with the salt and pepper. Put the chopped fresh garlic and rosemary into the slices.


Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Place the roast on a rack in the pan with the fat side up.
Roast in a roasting pan approximately 15 minutes per pound for medium-rare (a 2 pound roast will take about 30 minutes to cook) or to desired internal temperature.
Let it rest 15 minutes before serving to allow the juices to flow back from the center of the meat, resulting in a succulent roast.


1.Heat grill to medium-high.
2.Lightly brush roasts with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
3.Grill approximately 5-7** minutes on all four sides so the meat cooks evenly.

* Salt & Pepper varies depending on your taste
** Grill time depends on your temperature preference (rare, med. rare, medium, etc.)