picanha steak on serving platter

How to Cook Picanha Steak

Are you a true steak enthusiast if you don’t know what a picanha steak is? Well, yes, you probably are. And don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of this cut because you’d be in the same group as many…

Best ways to cook steak

The Best Steak Cooking Methods: Ranked

Photo by hfossmark licensed under CC0 If you’re a steak die-hard, it’s pretty much a given that you have a favorite way to cook your steaks. Ask any steak lover and you’ll get a different answer. For some, the smoky flavor…

Sweet Balsamic Steak Marinade Recipe

Photo by George N licensed under CC BY 2.0 Dig into your pantry, and you’ll find everything you need to make this quick and easy steak marinade that makes the incredible, well-marbled flat iron steak even more flavorful and tender than it already is.…