pan seared filet mignon served on platter

How to Pan Sear Filet Mignon

It’s tough to beat a filet mignon hot off the grill, but grilling steak isn’t always the easiest or most convenient option. Try pan-seared filet mignon instead when you want a home-cooked filet mignon without the fuss of firing up…

reverse seared skirt steak

How to Reverse Sear Skirt Steak

The long and skinny skirt steak may not look like those bulky, mouthwatering steaks at the local steak restaurant, but that doesn’t mean it’s unworthy of your dinner plate. In fact, skirt steak comes from one of the most flavorful…

ready to eat reserve sear sirloin steak

How to Reverse Sear Sirloin Steak

Cut from the sirloin area of a cow near the place the T-bone and porterhouse come from, sirloin steak has plenty of the beefy flavor that steak enthusiasts yearn for. However, it can be relatively thin compared to some more…

Pan Seared Steak

Pan Fried Steak – A Go-To Cooking Method

One of the qualities that we at Steak University love most about a gourmet Chicago Steak Company steak is its versatility and ability to accommodate various cooking styles.  From the outdoor BBQ to indoor stovetop grills, a high quality, gourmet steak, such…