ribeye steak served on plate with vegetables

How to Cook Ribeye Steak

There are few steaks as well-known as a ribeye. This flavorful cut is one of the most common to find at your favorite steakhouse. It stands out on its own with a complementing side dish, like baked tomato or grilled…

steak presentation

The Ultimate Guide to Steak Presentation

At Steak University, we dive into all kinds of steak-focused topics, like incredible recipe ideas, cooking instructions, and resources to help you become a steak connoisseur in your own home. This guide focuses on one of the more creative yet…

flipping steak on grill

Can I Flip a Steak More Than Once?

There’s a lot of information out there about cooking steak, from the simple New York strip to the more challenging filet mignon. Most cooking instructions sound similar, even for different cuts: Let one side sear, carefully flip the steak, and…

New York Strip vs Ribeye Steak, Compared

T bone steak, tomahawk steak, scotch fillet, tenderloin filet, Coulotte steak, sirloin steak, filet mignon, hanger steak, porterhouse — the list goes on and on for steak cuts and types of steak. Is there really that much of a difference…

Rejection of meat

The Movement Against Meat Eating

It has become more apparent in recent times that meat is taking on somewhat of a villainous role in society. Despite the flurry of negative attention meat receives on a regular basis, it’s important to seek the unbiased truth. This…