How to Barbecue The Perfect Steak

While in many parts of the U.S. it may be a bit…nippy…outside at the moment, at Steak University we can’t think of any reason that should slow down your grilling pursuits.  There are few things we can think of to…

Bison vs Beef Steak: The Great Meat Debate

Photo by Shelby L. Bell licensed under CC BY 2.0 At Steak University, we tend to stay away from the controversial topics and instead focus on education when it comes to all things beef.  But in contrast to Democrats vs Republicans or red vs…

mail order steaks

Store Bought vs Chicago Steak Company Steaks

The Internet has made all the difference in how the world shops. From clothing, to furniture and appliances, you can now order almost anything online. Recognizing the popularity of online ordering, many steak providers have made the move to the…

Tender steak

What Makes a Naturally Tough Steak Tender?

Have you ever experienced the moment when you’re almost finished barbequing that perfect, extra-tender steak? You seasoned it perfectly, cooked it to absolute perfection, and can smell that smoky goodness filling the air around you. You take the steak off…

Steak Marinade Recipes

Photo by Tavallai licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 Easy Tips and Tricks for Punching up the Flavor or your Favorite Cut of Steak If you took one glance at the title of this most recent addition to Steak University’s attempt at imparting beefy knowledge…

USDA graded steak

Why Choose Upper 1/3 Choice of Beef

Choosing a steak that will fulfill your expectations can be difficult. However, it is made to be easier with the USDA grading system. While USGA graded beef consists of eight different levels, the more common USDA grade only has three.…