flank steak salad

Flank Steak Salad

Looking for a healthy and delicious meal that’s easy to prepare? Consider this flavorful flank steak salad! Packed with protein and fresh veggies, it’s the perfect choice for lunch or dinner. The best part? It can be customized to your…

cooked porterhouse steak with asparagus

Porterhouse vs Filet Mignon Steak

Sometimes you feel like a large steak that’s hard to finish in a single meal, while in other cases you’d prefer a leaner and smaller steak with fork-tender meat. There’s a steak for every preference and occasion. The Filet Mignon…

uncooked seasoned t-bone steak ready for slow cooking

How to Slow Cook T-Bone Steak

The T-bone steak is a hearty cut, so it’s a natural fit for the grill. But what if there’s a foot of snow outside and you just can’t stand over the stove frying steaks in a pan yet again? Turn…

peppercorn beef shoulder filet steak

Should I Marinate Steak Before Cooking?

Some steak recipes call for marinating a steak before cooking it. This method does take more time than pulling steak from the refrigerator and cooking it, so you might naturally wonder if it’s worth the extra time and if it’s…

thin steak cuts

The Best Thickness for Your Steak

Why Steak Thickness Matters When it comes to buying great steak, steak thickness often gets overlooked. Between the best cuts, the best coloring, marbling levels, and USDA grading, there’s a lot to take into account with any given steak. So,…

picanha steak on serving platter

How to Cook Picanha Steak

Are you a true steak enthusiast if you don’t know what a picanha steak is? Well, yes, you probably are. And don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of this cut because you’d be in the same group as many…