How to Cook Flat Iron Steak in the Oven

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oven cooked flat iron steak
Photo by jeffreyw licensed under CC BY 2.0

Flat iron steak comes from the shoulder area of the cow, a part that’s exercised well. Although it comes from a muscley area, it actually yields some of the most tender steak when cooked properly. For this cut, it’s all about timing and cooking it hot and fast to get a crispy outer crust and a tender, juicy inside.

Follow along with our guide to learn how to cook flat iron steak in the oven using your oven’s broiler.

Preparing Flat Iron Steak for the Oven

The lengthiest part of the preparation process for flat iron steak is leaving it at room temperature before cooking. This lets the steak rise a bit in temperature to allow it to reach a more even cook from the outside to the inside. Remove the steaks from the fridge 45 minutes before cooking. Salt them generously on both sides. Loosely cover the steaks with foil while they sit.

Spray a rimmed baking sheet lightly with cooking spray. A few minutes before you’re ready to cook, preheat the broiler to 500 degrees.

Oven-Cooked Flat Iron Steak Cooking Time

Using the high-heat broiler, a medium-rare flat iron steak takes about 10-12 minutes to cook, on average. If you prefer a steak that’s more done in the center, you’ll need another 2-5 minutes to cook flat iron. After cooking, your steak needs 5 minutes to rest at room temperature.

Final Temperature

Refer to this temperature chart to learn when to remove flat iron steak from the oven (the 2nd column’s temperature range) and what temperature the steak should reach when it’s done resting (the third column). 

DonenessTemperature to Remove from OvenFinal Temperature

Medium Rare Flat Iron Steak

Cooking flat iron steak to medium-rare keeps it tender and juicy on the inside. Start by salting the steaks on both sides. Then, leave them at room temperature for 45 minutes. Once the broiler is heated, place the steaks on a baking sheet and transfer them directly under the broiler. Cook for 5-6 minutes until a golden-brown crust forms. Then, flip to the other side and cook for another 5-6 minutes. Check the temperature with a thermometer before removing from the oven. Rest for 5 minutes at room temperature on a plate loosely tented with foil. 

Oven Cooking Tips for Flat Iron Steak

Consider the following tips for finding the best flat iron and cooking it in your oven.

Pat Steaks Dry

Before cooking flat iron, pat the steaks dry. Do this after you’ve salted the steaks on both sides and let them rest. Then, brush on a thin layer of olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides. Removing the moisture on the outside of the steak and adding olive oil will help it crisp up nicely under the broiler.

Use the Broiler for Medium-Rare

Because flat iron is on the thinner side compared to other steaks, we prefer using the oven’s broiler setting if you have one. The broiler allows the steak to crisp quickly on the outside, which actually protects the inside from getting overcooked. Inside, you’ll get a juicy and tender medium-rare cook. If you prefer more doneness, you can turn off the broiler and use the oven set to 425 degrees to cook for another couple of minutes. 

Choosing the Right Cut

Premium Angus, USDA Prime, wet-aged, dry-aged, and so many other labels are given to steak — what’s the difference? 

Premium Angus and USDA Prime focus on quality. These steaks are labeled as such because they meet the USDA’s requirements for marbling, coloring, and overall quality to receive those prestigious labels. Wagyu-Kobe is another label you might find on flat iron steak. These steaks are the highest possible standard in the United States.

The aging process helps steaks tenderize and become more flavorful with time. Wet and dry aging differ in how long they take and their specific processes, but both yield delicious steaks that you’ll be glad to have on your table.

Oven Cooking Flat Iron Steak Instructions

Use these detailed instructions to help you learn how to cook flat iron steak in the oven. 

Step 1: Prepare It

Remove flat iron steaks from the refrigerator and place them on a clean plate. Add salt to both sides, using your fingertips to press the salt into the meat. Leave at room temperature for 45 minutes. Spray a rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray.

Step 2: Broil It

Preheat the broiler. Pat steaks dry with a paper towel. Brush a light amount of olive oil onto both sides, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the steaks to the baking sheet and place them directly under the broiler. Cook for 5-6 minutes. Flip with tongs to the other side, and cook for another 5-6 minutes. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the thickest part of the steak using the temperature chart above.

Step 3: Rest It

Remove steaks from the oven and transfer them to a cutting board or plate. Tent loosely with foil. Rest for 5-10 minutes before serving. 

Oven-Cooked Flat Iron Steak Recipe

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes



  • Salt flat iron steaks on both sides. Leave at room temperature for 45 minutes. Spray a rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray.
  • Preheat the broiler. Pat steaks dry and lightly coat them with olive oil. Sprinkle black pepper and salt on flat iron steaks. Place steaks on the baking sheet and move them into the oven directly underneath the broiler. Cook for 5-6 minutes on each side.
  • Rest on a foil-tented plate for 5-10 minutes.

Other Ways to Cook Flat Iron Steak

In addition to oven-cooking flat iron steak, you can also use the following methods:

  • Grilled flat iron steak
  • Skewered flat iron steak
  • Sous vide flat iron steak
  • Reverse seared flat iron steak
  • Pan-seared flat iron steak
  • Slow-cooked flat iron steak

Your Guide to Cooking Flat Iron Steak in the Oven

Shop flat iron steaks from the Chicago Steak Company without stepping foot inside a store. We have Premium Angus, USDA Prime Wet-Aged, and Kobe-Wagyu flat iron steaks to choose from. We individually wrap and vacuum seal each steak to preserve its freshness and quality as your order arrives. Don’t forget to sign up for our rewards program prior to placing your order to earn points!

cooked flat iron steak

Oven-Cooked Flat Iron Steak

No ratings yet
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 2 people


  • 1-1 1/2 lb flat iron steak
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Salt flat iron steaks on both sides. Leave at room temperature for 45 minutes. Spray a rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray
  • Preheat the broiler. Pat steaks dry and lightly coat them with olive oil. Sprinkle black pepper and salt on flat iron steaks. Place steaks on the baking sheet and move them into the oven directly underneath the broiler. Cook for 5-6 minutes on each side
  • Rest on a foil-tented plate for 5-10 minutes
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