How to Grill Pork Steaks

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grilled pork steaks

Grilling pork steaks is an art that combines the heat and smoky flavor of an open flame with the tender juiciness of well-seasoned meat. So if you’re looking for a mouthwatering outdoor meal or a delightful twist on traditional pork, mastering the technique of grilling pork steaks is the best way to go. 

How to Prep Pork Steaks for the Grill

Before you dive into grilling pork steaks, you need to learn the proper preparation steps to guarantee a delicious outcome. In this section, we will help you prepare your pork steaks to ensure they’re ready for the grill:

Best Marinades and Seasonings

Infusing your pork steaks with wonderful flavors is a key aspect of grilling success. Explore various marinades and seasonings to tantalize your taste buds and tenderize the meat. You can combine olive oil, garlic, herbs, citrus juices, soy sauce, and spices to create a marinade that complements your preferences. You can also use ingredients that will help tenderize your meat faster.

seasoned and marinated pork steaks

How to Grill the Perfect Pork Steaks

Grilling pork steaks requires attention to detail and a lot of patience. We know how irresistible the smell of grilled pork can be, but don’t rush cooking them so you can get the best flavors once the steaks are served. Follow these tips to achieve pork steak perfection on different types of grills:

Gas Grill

  1. Preheat the gas grill to medium-high heat.
  2. Clean and oil the grates to prevent sticking.
  3. Place the pork steaks on the grill and cook for 4-5 minutes per side.
  4. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C).
gas grill

Charcoal Grill

  1. Ignite the charcoal and let it burn until covered with white ash.
  2. Create a hot zone and a cooler zone by arranging the charcoal accordingly.
  3. Sear the pork steaks over the hot zone and then move them to the cooler zone to finish cooking.
  4. Monitor the internal temperature and adjust the cooking time as needed.
charcoal grill

Pellet Grill

  1. Set the pellet grill to a medium-high temperature.
  2. Place the pork steaks on the grill grates.
  3. Close the lid and cook the steaks, adjusting the temperature as necessary.
  4. Use a meat thermometer to check for doneness.
pellet grill

Classic Grilled Pork Steaks Recipe

grilled pork steaks


  • Pork steaks (about 1 inch thick)
  • Marinade or dry rub of your choice


  1. Marinate the pork steaks for at least 30 minutes or overnight if you’re using particularly thick cuts. Make sure you apply the dry rub generously and press it down on the meat to maximize adherence.
  2. Preheat the grill to the appropriate temperature based on your chosen method.
  3. Grill the pork steaks, following the specific instructions for your grill type, until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Always use an easy-read thermometer to check for doneness and to ensure the safety of the people you’re grilling for.
  4. Remove the steaks from the grill and let them rest for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Serve with your favorite side dishes and enjoy!

Tips and Tricks

  • Thickness Matters: Opt for pork steaks that are about 1 inch thick as these cuts are easier to cook without drying out. Buy pork steaks that are all around the same thickness so they cook at around the same time.
  • Brine for Tenderness: Brine your pork steaks in a saltwater solution for a few hours before grilling. This enhances tenderness and flavor. Don’t forget to season them before you place them on the grill.
  • Use Indirect Heat: When using a charcoal grill, it’s wise to create a two-zone fire by piling coals on one side. Sear the steaks over high heat to get distinct grill marks and a flavorful exterior, then move them to the cooler side to finish cooking them gently inside out.
  • Flavorful Smoke: Add wood chips or chunks to your charcoal or gas grill for a subtle smoky flavor. Experiment with different woods like hickory, apple, or mesquite.
  • Baste for More Flavor: If using a sugary marinade, baste the pork steaks toward the end of grilling to avoid excessive charring. Refrain from basting too early because the sugar can burn and taste bitter.
  • Don’t Overflip: Limit flipping the steaks to maintain a nice sear. Aim for just one or two flips during the grilling process or use techniques that will require minimal flipping.
  • Be Patient When Resting the Meat: The resting period is non-negotiable. It allows the juices to redistribute into the fibers of the meat, resulting in a moist and flavorful final product.
  • Accompaniments: Grilled pork steaks already have intense flavors, so you should pair them with fresh, light sauces like chimichurri or fruit-based salsas to complement the rich flavors.
  • Experiment with Spices: Get creative with your dry rub or marinade by switching up a variety of herbs, spices, and aromatics to create unique flavor profiles.
  • Preheat and Clean: Ensure your grill is clean and preheated before cooking. A hot, clean grill prevents sticking, enhances searing, and guarantees the safety of the people who will eat the meat.
  • Skip the Fork: When handling the pork steaks, use tongs instead of forks to avoid piercing the meat and losing precious juices.
  • Practice Makes Perfect Pork Steaks: Grilling is an art that improves with practice. Adjust cooking times and techniques based on your grill’s characteristics and personal preferences.


Grilling pork steaks is a culinary delight that combines the joy of outdoor cooking with delicious results. By following the tips and steps we mentioned above, you can turn your regular pork steaks into a grilling masterpiece everyone loves. These simple but crucial considerations guarantee that your pork steaks will be perfectly cooked, flavorful, and satisfying.

grilled pork steaks

Classic Grilled Pork Steaks

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  • pork steaks (about 1 inch thick)
  • marinade or dry rub of your choice


  • Marinate the pork steaks for at least 30 minutes or overnight if you’re using particularly thick cuts. Make sure you apply the dry rub generously and press it down on the meat to maximize adherence.
  • Preheat the grill to the appropriate temperature based on your chosen method.
  • Grill the pork steaks, following the specific instructions for your grill type, until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Always use an easy-read thermometer to check for doneness and to ensure the safety of the people you’re grilling for.
  • Remove the steaks from the grill and let them rest for 3-5 minutes.
  • Serve with your favorite side dishes and enjoy!
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